Racen op Times Square, New York City

Foto van Richard van Hooijdonk
Richard van Hooijdonk
Het inzetten van mobiele games door merken is niet nieuw. Het Koreaanse automerk Hyundai gaat een stap verder. Op één van de drukste plekken op aarde, Times Square in New York, hebben zij een interactieve billboard campagne gelanceerd ter promotie van de nieuwe Hyundai Veloster Hatchback.

The use of mobile games by brands is not new. The Korean car brand Hyundai goes a step further. In one of the busiest places on earth, Times Square in New York, they have launched an interactive billboard campaign to promote the new Hyundai Veloster Hatchback.

Hyundai has hosted one of the world’s largest Iphone-controlled racing games in New York. Users simply need to register online and download the ‘Hyundai Race’ application to participate in the race. Visitors who want to participate can use the Hyundai wireless network for free to connect their Iphone to the game. After the race, users can see where they are in the rankings.

The game is an ‘engaging experience’ for the user, but it also draws the public’s attention to Times Squares. A good example of innovative marketing.

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