July 25, 2017
No one can deny technology’s impact on our lives. And combined with biology, there really is no limit to what we can accomplish. Biotechnology is still relatively new, but its potential is enormous. Just think of it as a solution to some of the world’s biggest issues, such as deadly diseases. Biotechnology harnesses biomolecular and cellular processes to develop products and technologies that improve our lives and the health of our planet. For instance, research studies indicate that biotechnology could put an end to cancer. Furthermore, recent developments in biotech will soon make it possible for scientists to grow human organs inside animals. This could reduce organ waiting lists and save thousands of people who are waiting for an organ transplant. Biotech could also revolutionise the future of computing. For instance, scientists believe that DNA-based computers will be able to solve even the most complex of problems - an important step up from our current computer technology. And as the global population continues to grow, the effects of climate change are becoming more and more pronounced. This trend could lead to increased global warming and result in food and water scarcity in the not too distant future. Here, too, biotech can prove extremely valuable by making it possible to produce more crops on less land, reduce the amount of water required, and limit the amount of pesticides needed to protect our crops.

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