Mond-tot-mond via aplicatie op de mobiele telefoon

Industries: Marketing
Trends: Big Data

Applications on the mobile phone are becoming increasingly important as a ‘content transmission part’. Marketers are wise to investigate how their brand (as a service or game) can be incorporated into an application. When done successfully, the application spreads easily by word of mouth.

Research shows that users always demonstrate their applications to friends. Marketers can benefit from this if they develop brand-related mobile applications. This stems from a survey by the German Brand Science Institute (BSI), which surveyed 1,350 iPhone users in Germany and the United States.

Mobile phone users, the iPhone in particular, profile themselves by demonstrating new aspects of their phone and applications to friends, classmates or colleagues. In this way, iPhone owners reach an average of about 14 people. Applications on the mobile phone also provide stronger brand recognition than applications and widgets in social networks, according to the BSI. The German institute is of the opinion that there is still room for new applications. Other organizations are busy setting up their own application stores, such as Google and Microsoft.

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