Virale marketing biedt meer!

Industries: Marketing
Trends: Big Data

It is possible to obtain customer data in various ways. For example, a website may require you to log in, for which personal data must be entered. It is also possible for companies to buy customer data from a database, which, however, is often not appreciated and from research only yields a limited result for the companies.

In today’s marketing environment, the most effective way to collect customer data is through viral campaigns. Viral campaigns can be dressed in many different ways. Some possibilities to practice viral marketing are through online games and newsletters. But the best method seems to be by blending different marketing tools into one another. An important aspect is to hide the commercial aspect of the message. The consumer then gets the idea that this message is purely for satisfaction and uniqueness.

For companies, there are many benefits to generating an attractive viral message. For example, a viral marketing campaign can provide customer data that can be reused at a later stage in, among other things, acquisition. This customer data may include the consumer’s mobile phone number, email address, or even the consumer’s date of birth. Consumers are more likely to reveal customer data if the message contains little commercial value and if the campaign is extremely attractive and fun to participate in.

In addition to customer data, a viral marketing campaign can also generate ’top of mind awareness’. If a campaign is viewed by many people and forwarded to third parties, it is apparently an attractive campaign and the brand or message sticks with the people for a long time.

It is therefore possible for companies to retrieve customer data and create a ’top of mind’ with a viral marketing campaign, where the reach depends on the reproductive rate. To get this quote as high as possible, it is important to set up a unique campaign, because previous successes are no guarantee for renewed successes with the same concept. A unique campaign will have to be developed.

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