July 3, 2024

Trends that Shape the Future of Government

Governments across the world are increasingly relying on the latest technologies to deliver improved services to a growing population. Big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), robots, and artificial intelligence (AI) are just some of many tech trends authorities use to accomplish this. To enable to creation of smart cities, the IoT connects millions of devices, machines, and sensors to each other, because it all starts with data collection. Sensors, cameras, and GPS trackers feed smart algorithms with the information necessary to make critical decisions, enabling governments to prevent congestion, reduce air pollution, and lower crime rates. Sensors are also used to monitor water supply networks and electrical grids in order for authorities to optimise these infrastructures. Smart algorithms are used to direct police patrols, and in the criminal justice system they even advise on sentencing. Facial recognition systems help security services to identify criminals and arrest them, and smart police helmets with VR and AR are slowly but surely turning officers into Robocops. Some governments use these technologies in somewhat sinister ways, however. In China, for instance, the government uses social media, sensors, and facial recognition to monitor the behaviour of its citizens and penalise those who ‘misbehave’. Overall, the future looks exciting as new trends and developments reshape the way governments deliver public services. You can follow our blog for the latest articles on this topic.

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